School of Athens

School of Athens

Friday, November 5, 2010

Test # 2 Notes and recommendations

1. What is Temenos?
A. a holy precinct, the carving out of a secular landscape
2. What does Sarah pretend to be so that she can be said to be Jewish? A Mute.
3. According to Frye, what is the epaphanic moment in the book of Jon. A. Ch. 38 when God speaks to Job in the Whirlwind.
4. According to Frye, the happy ending of the frame device is what? A. U
5. What does “Islam” Mean? A. Submission to God.
6. Why did Plotz think Gideon was such an important character that he would name his son after the judge? A. Plotz thought he was one of the “gooder” people in the bible.
7. Of what tribe was Ruth? A. The Moabites
8. What book of the bible has the most literary references? A. Ecclesiastes
9. What Psalm inspired Allegri’s Misere? A. Psalm 51.
10. Define Parataxis. A. A literary form in which all clauses carry equal weight; e.g. they have no subordinate conjunctions.
11. What are the two types of Wisdom? Prince Hamlet, and the Provisional Lord Polonius (or Conventional-Proverbs and Speculative-Job and Ecclesiastes)
12. What book never mentions God? A. The book of Esther.
13. Samson’s act, after regrowing his hair, is what? A. Pulls down the temple of the Philistines.
14. What is the metaphor comparing in the end of Ecclesiastes? A. Metaphor is that of a decaying house to a human body.
15. Ecclesiastes is a what? A. A preacher.
16. What is the central question of Job? A. Theodicy, the attempt to justify the benevolence of a God that allows suffering of innocence.
17. What does a dad warn his son about? A. Wine, Women, and Song
18. What is the needful thing?
19. In the book of Job, Job says “ Let the day I was born be in darkness, for the doors be not open” (HORRIBLY MISQUOTED BY ME) refers to the womb.
20. What apocryphal book was the inspiration of William Carlos Willaims Wallace Stevens Poem Peter Quince at the Clavier? A. Suzanna (I did write a really long explanation of this poem if your interested.)
21. What story by Flannery O’Connor was about the burning bush? A. Parker’s Back
22. What was the conventional wisdom of the three stupid men who “support” Job? A. Anybody who suffers did wrong.
23. What does Job’s wife suggest to Job? “Curse God and Die.”
24. READ P.116-90 of Frye. (I'll have notes that Zack and I took over pages 144-169 tonight.)

Read your Plotz- Sexson’s sure to throw some curveballs
Read your Frazer- know what his main theme is.
Read you fellow bloggers
Go Out and By The Satanic Verses By Salman Rushdie. I recommend You can get it for about 4 bucks with shipping all total.
Definitely catch up in Singer if your behind….I’m going with halfway?

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